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Monday, December 26, 2005

Year End Bizarre Craft Time Part the First

Apologies to those who actually read this that I haven't been posting. I haven't been particularly inspired lately, word-wise. However, since I've been inspired in other ways lately, tonight is a very special update: weird craft projects I've done in the past three months, in chronological order (or as a close as I can remember. Like YOU'RE going to know if it's any different)

October: Halloween Craftiness

Ha ha, I refuse to explain this one.

November: Knitted Craftiness

These are slippers that I knit, prior to felting them. They are essentially gigantic socks. Felting them makes them smaller gigantic socks.

And this is the scarf I knit and felted for my youngest sister. Both patterns are from the utterly fantastic Knitty.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Soooooo jealous you got the Yorick scarf done. I swear I'll have my skull scarf in time for...Valentine's Day!!!

PS, I KNOW what the first one is.

10:37 PM, December 26, 2005  
Blogger The Red Menace said...

Yeeeees, you know. And I know. But if other people know, well, I'll be impressed. No jealousy re: Yorick, I was on vacation and had a birthday for which to finish. It's a good Valentine scarf though, methinks.

10:59 PM, December 26, 2005  

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